Glue Ham Roller

Sorinex Glute Ham Roller

A lot of people have ideas for a new piece of equipment, but most of us don’t have the resources to bring it to life.  I know for me, that’s probably OK because there are already enough bad ideas floating around, but once in a while something comes out that is so simple you think […]

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Air Force Football Player

Matt McGettigan Visit

Some really cool people visit me at Total Performance to talk about training, and I love spending time with different coaches talking shop. Recently, I got an e-mail from my friend Ted Rath (Detroit Lions Strength & Conditioning) telling me that Matt McGettigan from the Air Force Academy was coming into town and wanted to […]

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High Performance Handbook Eric Cressey

High Performance Handbook Review

I don’t get overly excited when people send me programs and products to review because, honestly, there is a lot of garbage out there.  I’m sure you hear all about every product on the internet, and I try hard to only talk about things I think are worthwhile – quality products created by quality people […]

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Young Fitness Pro

You’re Not a Trainer

When I first got into the profession, I focused all of my efforts on becoming the best coach/trainer that I could be.  I was all about the technical side of things – sets, reps, instruction, feedback, exercise selection, programming, etc.  I’m not saying this was a mistake.  I think that’s what I was “supposed” to […]

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How to train young athletes

How to Train Young Athletes

Whether you’ve been training for years or you’re just getting started in the sports training business, you need to understand how to train young athletes.  If you plan on making your business run and impact a lot of lives, you better have a grasp on how to train young athletes and deliver an exceptional experience. […]

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Ankle Strengthening for Speed

An area that most athletes neglect is ankle strengthening. Because such extreme demands are placed on the ankle during speed and agility work, special care should be taken to enhance the function of this area. This does not take a tremendous amount of time, but the effort may help reduce the risk of injury as […]

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