Possibly one of the most common questions strength coaches get from young professionals is how to break into the strength and conditioning profession. It’s kind of the million dollar question. So, I asked my friend Ron McKeefery to give us some advice. Ron is a strength coach for the Cincinnati Bengals and was the head […]
Author Archive | Jim Kielbaso
Setting Yourself Apart in the Fitness Industry
Because I get to interact with interns and young professionals on a regular basis, I have had the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about what’s going on at the college level, what they’re being taught and how they’re being prepared for the “real world.” Recently, one of the internship supervisors asked if I […]
How to Become a Resource for Coaches
The other day, I got an e-mail from a coach I met about a year ago. When we met, I was presenting on acceleration mechanics at an IYCA event, and I talked about using your expertise to show area coaches that you’re an expert. The e-mail I got explained that this coach had recently opened […]
Copying a Program is a Mistake
Trying to copy some big time college or professional sports team’s program is common mistake made by high school coaches and athletes. A while back, I got into in a series of e-mails with one of our members on UltimateStrengthAndConditioning.com about his situation at a high school, and I thought it was worth sharing here […]
Sports Training Sales Tip – Asking Questions
After I posted my last sports training sales tip and offered my free e-book on the Business of Sports Training, I had a lot of people contact me to say the information was very helpful. That made me think that I might be on to something here, so I figured we’d keep it going. I […]
Maximizing Space – Large Group Warm-Up Ideas
This article was recently posted in the IYCA Newsletter, and I thought plenty of other people would enjoy it, too. So….. When you’re training a large group with limited space, the session can get out of control right away if you try to use the same warm-up routine that you use with an individual. Instead, […]
Non-Sales Tip – Explaining How You Can Help
Coaches and trainers often do one of two things when trying to “sell” their program. They either freeze up and it comes off really awkward, or they try to hard to sell and they end up sounding cheesy, making promises, bragging or just sounding like someone you shouldn’t trust. Both are bad. Here is a […]
College Coaching vs. The Sports Training Business
In 2002, I made the transition from being a college strength coach to opening a private training facility called Total Performance Training Center in Wixom, MI. I had been a college coach for six years, and loved it. But, there are certainly negatives to coaching in college, especially in the situation I found myself in. […]
Evidence Based Practice in Strength & Conditioning
Evidence Based Practice is a term thrown around a lot these days. I hear different versions of it and it makes me wonder how many people understand and apply the concept. The basic concept of EBP is to make sure that everything you’re doing is purposeful, efficient, safe and effective. Its basic principles are that […]
How To Run Faster
Athletes and coaches often ask me questions about how to run faster. Because I’ve written a lot about the subject, I understand why they’re asking, but the answer can get a little complicated. Some athletes spend years working on speed development, and there are so many factors that it’s difficult to answer the question quickly. […]